Sunday, September 26, 2010

Robert's Birthday Hike

 Yesterday was Robert's birthday.
Say it all together:
"Happy Birthday Robert!" (Bob, Bobby or Rob, depending on which side of the family you are...)
The gift he wanted was for him to spend a night alone in the woods with nothing but his bedroll and a few survival items. Knowing it is bear season, and I don't have life insurance on him, he graciously offered to go for a hike with me instead.
We went to Castlewood Canyon Park in Castle Rock Colorado.
We both have been waiting for snow patiently, and are still waiting. I've been waiting since we were living in Florida seven years ago. My friend Jodi used to tell me I lived in the wrong state, and she was right. Lucky Jodi grew up in Montana and has played in more snow than you can write your name in, and I am quite jealous... I can't even remember the last time I touched snow or went skiing. But at least the colors of Colorado are starting to change, and leaves are falling everywhere. We must be getting closer. The long sleeve shirts and sweaters are coming out of drawers. It was 51 degrees went I went to work last thursday morning at 6.15am. I can't wait to wear my matching wool scarf and hat. I even found some old cotton gloves still hidden in a winter jacket purchased over a decade ago. I think the gloves were my sister's. Thanks Benie!
It looks like I'm getting lost in the change of seasons. That is a major reason why came to Colorado.
Here are pictures of Castlewood Canyon Park.
The walk starts from the top of the canyon where you can see a wall of rocks on the other side.

Automn is all around.

On this side of the canyon, the rocks are flat and smooth.

We saw some bear droppings, but not many signs of animal life. Just a caterpillar and a loud chipmonk.

Going down to the river was quick.
A few rough steps and we were there. It took us maybe ten minutes.

The other side of the canyon has nice sandy walkways. Here we both are. 

Now some pictures are easy to choose for this blog. Like these beautiful ones.

Other ones we argue about. For exemple, I liked this picture of Robert taking a sip, but he didn't.

You can only see it because I agreed to also post this picture of me that Robert liked, which I didn't.

Let's just say, there was some cropping involved in this agreed solution...

Back to the Canyon. We're still walking along the bottom creek, admiring the view.

Robert playing around. 

I twisted my ankles twice during this hike. Next time, I will have some hiking boots on. It is just not safe hiking with "Shape Up" shoes on, even if they're supposed to make my butt look good.

We started to see the valley around the corner, to the left.

A few more steps along the creek...

And here comes the valley!

Robert pointed out to our right, where these two rocks were kissing.

 So we kissed too and headed towards the crossing of Cherry Creek.

It took us a while to go back up to the canyon top. But what a view on the other side of the canyon! We sat on a bench for few minutes and enjoyed the landscape, the cows and a nice breeze.

Over all, Robert did better than I, sitting in the shade any chance I could get. It took us a little over three hours to walk atop the canyon, down to the creek, along the bottom, and back up again. We were both sore the day after. But what a beautiful day!

Happy Birthday my love!

Colorado is beautiful!